ForeignTrade Zones (FTZs) are reshaping the logistics landscape by offering businessessignificant cost savings and operational efficiencies. If you’re not leveragingFTZs yet, 2025 is the year to start. Here’s how FTZs can transform your supplychain and how BeeImagine can help you unlock their full potential.
FTZs are secure areas within the U.S., but outside of U.S. Consumption wherebusinesses can defer, reduce, or even eliminate customs duties on importedgoods. This allows companies to streamline operations, improve cash flow, andgain a competitive advantage in global markets.
At BeeImagine, we specialize in FTZ operations. From handling compliance tomanaging inventory within the zone, we ensure our clients reap the maximumbenefits while staying focused on their core business.
One of our clients, a leading e-commerce brand, deferred and eliminated 15% importduties by admitting their cargo into our FTZ. They were able to use the samepool of inventory for both domestic and export shipments. Utilizing the weeklyentry program, there was a reduction in delivery times by 20%. Due to the highvolume of inventory that they managed, they were able to defer a significantamount of duties, resulting in improved cashflow. These savings allowed them toinvest in expanding their product line and reaching new markets.
FTZs are a game-changer for businesses looking to optimize costs and enhanceefficiency. With BeeImagine as your logistics partner, navigating thecomplexities of FTZs becomes seamless. Contact us today to explore how FTZs canrevolutionize your operations in 2025.